熱帶海灘月夜 / Tropical Beach Moonlight

 The painting captures a captivating view of a tropical beach under moonlight. A bright moon hangs in the sky, casting a soft glow, with deep blues and purples interlaced with pink and orange halos. The ocean gently reflects the moonlight, and the silhouettes of coconut trees in the distance enhance the tropical ambiance.

水彩畫, 月光, 海灘, 熱帶, 海洋, 平靜, 椰子樹, 剪影, 彩色天空, 寧靜, 電腦桌布

AIGC Prompt: TenSorArt

This stunning watercolor bloom painting depicts a seaside scene at night, with waves and the light of a full moon reflecting on the sea. Plenty of negative space, a zen-like composition, and pastel colors are cleverly rendered to appeal. Color mix. The background consists of soft, blurry gradients of warm, white and cool colors, adding depth and dimension to the painting. The overall effect is serene and peaceful. (Watercolor Rendering: 1.4)
