哥特式窗景中的田園風光 / Rural Landscape through Gothic Window

This image showcases a Gothic arched window framing a beautiful rural landscape. The window is adorned with intricate stained glass and surrounded by green vines. Potted plants sit on the windowsill, while comfortable cushions and an open book on the floor create a cozy reading nook. Outside, a golden field stretches towards green hills under a blue sky with white clouds, presenting a captivating natural scenery.


哥特式建築, 彩色玻璃, 拱形窗, 鄉村景觀, 田園風光, 閱讀角落, 坐墊, 打開的書, 藤蔓, 盆栽, 金黃色田野, 起伏的山丘, 藍天, 白雲, 溫馨, 如畫般的風景, 電腦桌布, 壁紙
